We experienced Jacksonville florida at 5:30 am starting with a sunrise hike. Our host, Beth, suggested that we west coasters saw the sun rise over the ocean while on the east coast. Skyler was hesitant (for about 3 seconds) because he loves sleeping in, but we are so glad we woke up for the experience. Beth drove us to Blackrock Beach for the sunrise and afterward took us hiking through swamp trails and beaches with trees on them. She was an amazing host that filled our hikes with stories, laughter and her dreams. Her and her roommate also graciously filled our bellies while we were there with homemade biscuits and gravy and pancakes. We couldn’t say enough about their kindness or the fact that Beth surprised us with being a stand-up comedian and took us to a show to see her preform. Thank you Beth and come see the sunrise out in Cali sometime soon.