Justin & Holly were here

Holly is an ENFP, Justin is a INTJ. They can be completely opposite of each other but have created a cool balance.  Holly believes in numerology, eating raw and bright colored patterns.  Justin believes in working hard, the importance of protein and Hugo Boss suits.  They love to have a routine of fun, and that is where they meet in the middle.  They come home and have a fun dinner planned, surprise each other, serve each other and spend the rest of the night cuddling on the couch, laughing and sharing their ideas, stories and dreams.  They have leant me their couch more than a handful of times where we spend the night building forts and feasting on dates & Sees lollipops until I forget that they have work in the morning and the sleep over has to come to an end.

Holly and Justin you are as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside, and after looking at these pictures no one can miss your beaming beauty and joy.
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